It was suggested I share the story of how the chicken coop in our backyard came to be. I would be glad to share with your guys, since it is one of those things I used to be able to tackle. Nowadays when I see the coop I think to myself "I can't believe I actually built that!"
I was about 5 months pregnant with Whippersnapper and Mr Wonderful was traveling a lot for work during the week. I was into one of my obsessions, namely keeping backyard chickens. I really, really wanted to build a chicken coop and had been making all kinds of building plans. I researched what was needed, I surfed the internet for hundreds of pics of actual coops, and I asked the owners about what worked and what didn't etc. I really threw myself into it because I wanted to do it right, and well because I get obsessed about things.
Now the more responsible, patient, and sain portion of the patnership, Mr. Wonderful, suggested holding off on building a coop until later in the spring and after a bunch of other to-do stuff got done. As you all now know I don't have patience and I decided to just do it myself.
When Mr. Wonderful got home that Friday evening, I had coached the kids ahead of time to keep quiet about the coop in our backyard. First thing out of Spud Man's mouth was this.... "Mom built a chicken coop, it's out in the backyard! Wanna come see it Daddy?" Kids shhhhhhhh! Dang it I did not even have a chance to buffer the situation or anything. Mr Wonderful was dumbfounded and said "Well I guess you're not waiting for me to help you then huh?" I blushed and grinned from ear to ear. He loved it and thought I was crazy all at the same time....but you know what...he is the first to direct people's attention to our coop and tell them all about how I did all the cutting, screwing, designing etc and that he had nothing to do with it........I just really love that man....pitter patter goes my heart! Truth be told he did help me some.....he promptly added 575 pounds worth of reinforcements (that I did not feel were neccesary) that made my once somewhat mobile coop impossible to budge from it's temporary building site....thanks Honey!
A quick note about my practicality.......when we did this it was mid January! Luckily it was very warm for that time of year and it was a wonderful time for us to be outside. I think it was in the 50's most days but still got cold at night.
Here is what I got done the first day or two.
I've heard of pregnant ladies having the "nesting" instinct but this is ridiculous!
Ya we made cracks about the "nesting" instincts because by golly it does have nest boxes huh? I got teased about that really bad! Now my house was probably a disaster during this time, which only further compounds how rediculous it was huh?! HAHAHA
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