Friday, February 8, 2008

Never Try to Jump a Barbed Wire Fence....

No matter what people tell you, don't try to jump a barbed wire fence. It won't end well, trust me on this one.

We had been swimming at our favorite spot in our creek and when we were done we had to cross a we only had swimming suits on so this fence was scarey. Normally we would step up on one or two wires up from the bottom and swing a leg over until you got a good foot hold on the other side of the fence on same wire up from the bottom and then let loose with the first foot and swing it on over and off you go. (In doing this slick trick you run the risk of some slight puncture wounds from the wire barbs in the general region of the crotch!)

So on this particular day, only having our swimming clothes on, we thought it neccessary to find another way to get accross our fence. There was a large boulder near the fenceline it was about 2ft in diameter and my brother suggest we try jumping from that boulder clean over the fence......he did it and made it over fine.....then I was the little sister scared to jump, about to pee my pants with fear I would injure myself....(you know the annoying sister, full of mistrust, the one that won't do what you ask so you can get on with it already!) so I stood there on the rock whinning, fussing, and scared.

He finally talked me into just jumping, it would be I did it! I jumped and put all my might into it........and yet I shouldn't have! I ended up getting tangled in the barbed wire fence and getting a sizable cut along the back of my leg. It wasn't too deep, just a really nasty scratch with gaping width........well ok it really was a cut and it was about 3.5" long (but since then it has grown along with me and it about 5" long)......funny thing is, after it healed it looked like a run in a pair pantyhose down the back of my calf.

There seems to be a trend here....ornery brothers, bad advice, dangerous fences, and this........"Mom, He tried to kill me!" Yes, I was a tattler, especially when it came to Ornery Brother. Wanna know what he said to me after realizing I had injured myself? "Shhhh, don't tell Mom, you'll be fine really see? It is just a little blood, we can say the cat scratched you right?....Oh crap it's worse than I though! We better get you home!"

I was the youngest of 4 kids. I have a sister 12 years older than me, a brother about 8 years older than me, and another brother (Ornery Brother) who is about 4 years older than me. Right now I am picking on Ornery Brother a lot but soon I will share more from the rest of the gang too.....I just like to spread it around alittle.....oh and thank goodness they don't have a blog they are sharing all their experiences with about me on right? Wait maybe I better check....well in any case they probably have much more exciting tales to tell than stories about a pesky little sister right?.......right?

I was innocent, I was tortured, I was the youngest, I wear my scars proudly!


Anonymous said...

LOL - I tortured my younger sister and adored my younger brother. :)

She incurred some scarring from me, too. :)

The Summerfields said...

I am sure that if I had a younger sibling I would have inflicted plenty of torture as well.

I once cut up my sister's favorite night gown.....all to bits. I was two, she was 14, she still holds it against me to this day! Hey I figure SHE probably left the scissors out...right? Hee Hee