Sunday, February 3, 2008


Well here is what Mr Wonderful does......can you say every little boys dream? Basically he gets to play with big boy Tonka's! He has worked with my family's excavation business for over 16 years. The man is a human calulator (mathematically gifted)....that comes in VERY handy when shopping and things are on sale....."Honey how much would this one be if it is 30% off?" "And this one?" "How about all these together then?" Did someone say shopping? Woah there Jules stay on topic here, sorry. Anyway just wanted to give you a sneak peak into our humble way of bringing home the bacon.

There is just something about being on a construction site that makes boys hang out of the car and drool and bounce all around and talk 900 miles per hour with excitement! So much so I sometimes dread it because instantly Spud Man will start telling me all about what is happening and why (then asks ME why) then continues to go on and on about what all he knows.....why do boys do that? It is sooo annoying to us super relaxed and logical females who really do know what is going on (Just pretend, ok? Just pretend).

Although that is not really the whole truth, as much as the kids would like to think he is working in those big machines all day. This next picture is how he now spends a lot of his time, on the phone like this trying to tie up loose ends and manage things....

Something about that safety orange and workboots....mmmm mmmm!

By the way this was the excavation for that new Cayuse Tech Building accross from the casino.....Mr Wonderful did such a great job with managing that job we are working on another big job for the same general contractor.......gotta love good feedback. I am really proud of him.

PS. There are a few kids out there who beleive Mr Wonderful is actually "Bob The Builder". I don't want to break their hearts so we'll just pretend ok?


Lindsey said...

I just had to leave two comments.

First of all, I can REALLY relate to thinking there is something behind safety/construction Orange shirts and work boots that is HOT! I think my hubby is so hot when he has carhart jeans, orange shirt, and steel-toed boots on! mmmm.

And then I have to say that you shouldn't ruin the whole Bob the Builder theory. Some children out there find this to be the highlight of their trip if they can catch a glimpse of that infamous character they know!


Anonymous said...

LOL - too funny. My hubby worked in construction for a bit. We even slept in a camper on the job site once right outside of Yellowstone National Park. :)

Now that was an experience complete with hallucinations, fevers, puking, passing out - lots of fun things. :)