Sunday, February 3, 2008

Blog converted to a book?

Ok, don't go start thinking I am being vain or anything but I was thinking what if I put all this heart and soul out on these posts and then in several years want a keepsake or a documentation of this journey? Just the thought of how much "fun" it would be to be copy pasting everything to a disc or worse yet printing it all off made my rear go numb thinking about all the painstaking hours it would take! GULP, I am only half way thru with that process on another online journal I had for several thank you on that process ever again!!!

Anyway I happened to see on Notes From the Trenches about making a beautiful bound photo book with some photos from a family vacation. I LOVED that idea. Can you imagine having that one sit on the coffee table and be able to easily browse thru in book form, instead of an akward bulky photo album?

That got me to thinking there must be some way to convert blog posts to a book right? One short search later I did stumble onto something. Now I not am thinking this blog is going to some huge deal but I am noticing myself remember some special times and some important memories I want to be able to have in hard copy after I pour them onto the page (no matter how scattered).....and I thought it would be a fun way to include some of the fun times and silly things I share. I think it is something to keep in mind and maybe it would be fun to publish a yearly book (like a good old yearbook) to see how you grow and mature and gain skill etc. Especially if I happen to start adding pics and other fun stuff. Anyway here is the place I found this blog to book conversion topic.

*In other NON related news......I just want you to know I did it, I FINALLY did it, I used that little linky button (I guessed that is what it did and gave it a whirl) and it was sooo simple I made not one but TWO cool links on my page without the ugliness of just plain cutting and pasting it out of the address bar onto the page!!!! This is such a milestone, I am so glad you were here to share in this! You gotta celebrate the little things in life!*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GREAT IDEA! I love the yearly book idea. :) Hmmm - my different blogs could be chapters! hehehehe

And uh want to share the linky blog tip?