Monday, February 4, 2008

I want one of these....

I feel like my life might be more complete if I had one of these to dust......oh and I would like the house that goes with it too please. Every spring and fall I come down with a terrible case of landitis (where I start throwing fits because we have not bought that dream property yet, I have to have land of our own to function properly honest, that is why I am so disfuctional.....not sure what I will come up when we finally have land and I am still abnormal). Anyway it is something that will come up often as you read my thoughts. There is something deep within me that yearns for land, I think it comes from being raised by a ranching family, land was so important and defining. Of course it doesn't help I was raised on a beautiful 200 acre mini-ranch complete with pine trees, wildflowers in spring, canyons, ridges, wildlife, and of course the ever important year round creek. So my standards are a little unrealistic......beings we are a 1 income family with 4 kids. I happen to suffer from the effects of rose~colored glasses syndrome.....I think things should be entirely possible in an unrealistic time frame......the treatment for this condition is the single most diffucult and painful thing I have had to endure.......PATIENCE! (The word patience in my books is considered a cuss word. I hear it on a regular basis, I usually reply "Stop Cussing at ME!!!".......I think my patience bone is wait I was not born with one!!!!)

So if you happen to see one of those things above laying around let me know I'd be happy to take it off your hands for you. Not a problem at all really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love land and space, too. So far it isn't in God's current plans for us. :)

I'm content. I am. Really. Sigh. ;)