Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Apologies to my Mom......

I just realized something that I did as a teen and only now do I realize the deapth of dispair I caused. Here is the story..........

When I was a teen I was really into horse showing, I had trained my own horse from the time I was 11 and had become pretty good at competing. Mom loved photography and she really wanted to get those action shots and have a telephoto to zoom into the action more.

So my mom had been scrimping and saving and yearning over a SLR camera.....oh it hurts so bad I can't hardly stand to tell this story........she finally saved enough and bought herself a Canon Rebel...oh it was a sweet, smooth, clicking machine. She had a sweet telephoto lens for capturing those killer shots accross the show ring at horse shows of her sweet talented daughter (read: me).

After one of the first horse shows she took it to I was unloading the horse trailer and I had the trailer parked in front of our house. We had a large 4 horse trailer and there was a ton to be unloaded, the tack room portion of the trailer had to be emptied and one of the things in that tack room area was Mom's camera bag. I started my work of unloading after a long day of horseshowing. I set things out, I got to work, I slaved away, I packed those saddles, I wiped my brow, I folded and organized horse blankets, saddle blankets and clothes......I was on a roll. I went to the back and started scooping manure.....ya lovely job but somebody has to do it.....I decided to be be EXTRA dutiful.....I figured why not hose this thing out and get it sparklin' clean......ya sure why not?.....so I got the hose and started spraying...then I noticed that the water was running towards the tack room area. I thought to myself "That would not be good if that went under the tack room wall so I better turn this trailer around so the water will run out, quick!" I quickly ran to the truck and expertly towed the trailer to the turn around up the road a few hundred yards....on my way back down to the original parking spot I saw it.....the distinct look of a camera bag in the road along with a few other things that had previously been unloaded......gulp.....then it hit me I MAY have actually RUN OVER Mom's brand new camera.....gulp.......you can only imagine the words going thru my head?...panic, fear for my life......then I was thinking "Maybe not, right? I mean I could have missed it right?"

Upon closer inspection of course I had not been so lucky.....my heart sank.....I had to go tell Mom what had happened......imagine screaming with crying and hysterics.......OK really I don't remeber ALL of it because I think I may have blocked it out.

Thank goodness I "think" she had it insured or something because she eventually did get another one. So with this I feel the true impact of my actions, only today as I drool over a fabulous SLR camera. I think I need to call my Mommy......

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