Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cloth Diapering....

Brave soul that I am, I once used cloth diapers on our youngest, Whippersnapper. It goes back to the fact that I tend to get obsessed about things, especially when it is a different way of doing things. I guess you could say I like to walk to the beat of a different drum.

Anyway, I dove into this cloth diapering world full speed ahead. I enjoyed it so much I even started making a few styles of diapers myself (because I like to sew, and I just knew I could come up with some new improved version, I didn't). It was fun for about 6 months, then his poops (did I just say poop? Sorry!) started getting gucky from solid foods......ewwwweee! I soon gave up on this enjoyable obsession. I knew that might be the case, but that did not stop me from buying $80 worth of cloth diapers before it was all said and done. Overall I figured out we saved about....$150-$200 during the time we used cloth. I was all fine and dandy with those newborn poopy diapers, (oops sorry said poop again) because they were easy to wash and did not require the dreaded toilet dunk....there is something about swishing a diaper in the toilet that really revolts me. I gagged each time I tried it.

I feel like I have so much information wasting inside of me about cloth diapers. Someone else must gain from my hours and hours of research into cloth diapers. I won't bore you with all the details but here are the basics.... I loved how the Bumkins diaper covers fit so trim and how you could use basic prefolded diapers in them or fancier fitted diapers inside.....they were by far the best thing in both value, leak protection and fit! Plus what is not to love about fun little prints and traditional diaper styling with velcro fasteners and everything? The nice part about having the covers and cloth diaper inserts seperate are that you can reuse the cover several diaper changes before it has to be washed and because the diaper cover/waterproof parts are the main expense out of the two elements. That system makes for a better value overall, especially because when you are done with the diapering stage all those prefold diapers make great rags for cleaning and window washing!

Then my 2nd favorite type of diaper, especially for at night, it is called Fuzzi Bunz....these things are like the cadillac of diapers, they are a pocket style so you stuff the absorbent stuff inside two layers (one waterproof, one fleece so their skin stays dry but the moisture wicks into the absorbant layers) and they fit really nicely as well. Only problem with Fuzi Bunz are that they cost an arm and a leg so I only had one.:(

My 3rd favorite option is called the Bumkins All In One diaper, they are pretty much like disposible diapers in that they are all one peice and they function like a disposible (except that you have to wash them), no messing with covers or fumbling with folding everything just so.....just slap that puppy on and go.....these are great for on the go mommies! They are also pretty expensive. Truth be told I miss the fun of all the cute little covers, the extra pats on the back, and the bizzar looks you get when you mention that you use cloth diapers, but I don't really miss the extra laundry. Check out Whippersnapper in his cute duds at a couple months old.

Those were the days!!!

Today as I was sorting thru some baby clothes for a expecting friend, I ran accross all those cloth diapers.....I had to do it....I got one of my favorite printed diaper covers and a soft fluffy diaper insert and put it on Whippersnapper.......they still fit! So he has been running around in cloth all day and it has been a trip down memory lane.....unless he were to poop (sorry had to say it!) Then I would've had to cry and whine and curse the day I ever decided to put that cloth diaper on his bum! Here he is today in his duds. Still oh so cute athough a lot harder to photograph because he is always on the go!

Sniff Sniff, what's that I smell? Uht Oh! "Oh Mr Wonderfuuuuullll....Whippersnapper needs a diaper chaaaaange!!!" Too bad Wr Wonderful isn't here., because he really would do it for me, he loves me that much. I had to face my biggest fear and open that diaper. Sure enough I was right. Booo Hoo hoo.

I now have one less cloth diaper and....

....we are back to reality!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE cloth diapers and haven't had issues with the solid food excrement. Why does that word sound as bad as just saying poop? Anyways, I think my issue is laziness. I do cloth about 30% of the time and disposables the rest. I should just bite the bullet and go back to all cloth, can you imagine how much I would save? I like the pics of whippersnapper, your boys are like triplets born years a part!

The Summerfields said...

I know all the boys do look SO much alike I have a hard time telling their baby pics apart!

Mr Wonderful says that is a good sign because everyone can tell they are all his......(we still aren't sure if they are mine though.) HAHA

I am "thinking" if I try those rice paper liners for the poopy part then maybe I could handle it? I just would miss the simplicity of not having to wash them and worry about sunning out stains etc. Maybe I will TRY it once spring/summer is back around and I can easily hang them out on the line again?

I hate to see them sitting there all sad and not used but it does mean more work in the laundry department. I used to enjoy it so much I wanna see if I can resurrect this obsession if possible, plus I have heard cloth diapered kids potty train easier???

Anonymous said...

I used cloth on H until he was over a year old. And let me tell you- that kid could p**p! He had some tummy issues- nothing serious but it resulted in high frequency. It was my birthday and I decided to give myself the weekend off from cloth and didn't go back. I felt such relief because it was so much easier to change the 3-4 dirty diapers a day. Plus, I would check him, then check him and he would be dry then he'd be wet and it'd be soaking through. It might have been the wraps I was using.

I did try it a bit with K but it seemed to soak through so much - and I was so tired. I gave up.

Now that things are looking up for you, it might be worth it to give it another try.

The Summerfields said...

I also tried cloth diapers for about 2 days (just doesn't seem like it counts as trying it because it was not my idea so much as it was with Whippersnapper) with Sunshine and it was awful, her bum was huge with this big bulky diaper (none of the clotehes would fit with that huge diaper on) and still it would leak it was a mess. Good thing all the stuff was just handme down stuff and I hadn't paid $ for it!

That was why I did so much research on the products this time around, and I think the success and enjoyment for cloth diapers truely depends on what products you use, you really have to find what works on your own. I had a havey wetter so the lesser brands just did not work for him. Other people love the wool diaper covers which I liked for at night when bulk did not matter and I could add some extra absorbancy in there.

I think it is really neat that we have options and that the products have come such a long ways.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha - fun post. I totally want to switch back to cloth, but can't afford the initial cost. :( In all honesty, I could probably just use the chinese prefolds and covers i have, but I really want the all in ones.

We should challenge ourselves to all cloth! hehe

I wouldn't go back to disposable pads, so why won't I do the same for Little Miss Princess? hmmmm I think I just challenged myself.