Friday, February 8, 2008

Boys Sleepover.....

I have always wondered what happened at boys sleepovers.........Now I know. Spud Man has a few cousins over for his B-Day sleepover.....they ate, they burped, then said "butt" alot, but the fun was just getting started. They just finished a rather wild wrestling match with Mr Wonderful at the center of it. He is now laying on the couch recooperating! They were brutal!!

I tell you the decibal level around here is intense. I am seriously considering ear muffs. I am so used to girly activities when it comes to sleepovers (the rare few times we even do sleepovers) with boys there is no giggling, there are no dolls in sight, it is all machine gun sounds, wrestling, and loud loud loud.

I kept wondering why all the other Mom's kept saying I was such a brave woman.....I had No idea what they were talking about......until now. What have I done? It is 7:38pm and I think I have about lost my ear drums.

Note to self....before considering a boys' sleepover in the future, please review this post. Here is a sample of what my living room was like just minutes ago.

Bodies and legs everywhere.....

More legs and limbs......see what a good sport Mr Wonderful is?

This is how girls react to a vigorous game of wrestling.....

This is how little boys react to a vigorous wrestling game. Poor baby he was pooped!

Really we all had a nice time and they did really well I was just not prepared for it I suppose. You know heavy duty ear muffs, fresh bottle of Advil etc.

Here is a video clip of how my evening went. I really wish the videos clip had sound because you just can't appreciate what I am going thru here without sound!!!
Watch how Whippersnapper has to hurry and get out of the way and how the kid in the white shirt runs into my dishwasher!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL - thank goodness for no sound hehehe. I can only imagine.