Thursday, February 7, 2008

I Get Obsessed.....

I have this little teency tendancy to get obsessed about anything I am interested in. I get into something of interest, and research the crap out of it, and go on and on about it and just have to have one or try one or whatever. I really like these times of obsession it is the thrill of the chase, it is something to take me away from dirty dishes, whiney kids, and everyday life. I like to look things up I like to find new and different ways to do things (even if they are harder, like cloth diapers, or having your own backyard chickens). I just plain get obsessed about stuff...then soon I wonder off to find another unsuspecting subject to research to the fullest.......I like it that way.

There is only one problem with this little habit of mine......I drive everyone nuts around me with my one track mind about whatever I am obsessed about. I tell them all about what I am learning and finding and they politely listen and wonder when oh when is this agony every going to end...the it does and it starts all over again with a new subject in a few weeks.

I have often wondered why I can't be mildly interested in something and gradually over time learn about it and spread out the fun and linger in an interest to keep me occupied for longer periods...nope not me I must learn all I can about it in the shortest amount of time and not think about much else (namely dishes, dinner, children, husbands etc). I have pondered this little situation and the only thing I can think of is that missing patience bone....I just don't know how to slow down and savor the journey I must hurry there.......seriously has anyone seen my patience bone? I really think it would make me a more sain individual.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like when I hyper focus thanks to my ADD. :) I drive everyone nuts, too. But hey, it allowed me to enter over 800 giveaways in one week lol.