Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Electrifying Childhood Experience......

I was about 7 years old when we had just recently gotten home from town. We all had our nice clothes on, and I was flitting about the carport area. I remember having 2 quarters in my hand.  I was so proud that I had these 2 quarters because I did not often get money. I had been petting the horses across the fence, because they had come up to the corral fence to greet us. After petting their muzzles I decided to walk along some stacked right next to this stacked rock is also an electric fence....I was balancing and tiptoeing and balancing and ZAP! I accidently grabbed the electric fence to catch my balance (I showed blond tendencies at a very young age). Anyway when I touched the electric fence my quarters in my other hand went airborne ...a loooooooong ways. I found one of them right away but continued to search for the other. Now my brother just happened to be lurking around.....namely my ornery (I had to look that spelling up) brother. Ornery Bother had a mean streak, he liked to pinch our cats' ears......don't ask, no one knows why. So here I was searching for these quarters and crying and really upset.

Ornery Brother had watched this whole thing and had been overcome with laughter...something about my braids even standing on end...I don't know, but he happened to see my quarters fly and offered to come help me look for them.  Turns out we never did find the second quarter, I cold not figure out why. We looked, and looked, and looked some more. It often bugged me years later when I would walk by that area. Recently, in my adult life, I was telling this very story about that missing quarter and Ornery Brother could not stop looking like he was going to explode with laughter......finally he fessed up that he knew where that missing quarter went.  After all this time he finally decided to tell me?  Does he have any idea how much energy went into figuring out where my lost quarter could have went? I mean what kind of brother would see his sister crying and in shock (literally, ok not literally in the medical sense of the word, but ....oh well you know what I mean!) and he decides to take advantage of her and steal her quarter? Makes me want to yell "Moooooom!!!! I am telling Mom what you did! Mooom!"


Anonymous said...

Brothers were put on this earth to torture sisters. It's a known fact. Just ask me.
At least he finally fessed up. Is this the one we bought our Suburban from?

The Summerfields said...

No this is the nexy younger brother from the one you bought the suburban from. Stories about him are yet to come.:)

I agree brother's were meant to torture us!