Monday, February 18, 2008

The Joys of Deligation....

So I recently took on the minsitry of our church kitchen. As in a month ago. We made it thru our first potluck on our own. Yipee! Well of course not on or own since a potluck means everyone brings food but I mean that we managed on our own as far as getting everything set up and everyone was able to eat in an orderly fashion.

Mr Wonderful is a huge help and pitches in where-ever we need help. He is a huge part of the team and makes me so proud to be working side by side...usually it has been run by a woman but now? Now it is run by a entire family.....Sunshine loves doing dishes and helping in any way, Spud Man also does a lot of help and especially likes being the floral ladies right hand man! HAHA He really likes her I think. The members of the church really seem to enjoy seeing us work as a family, they keep making cute comments. At first when they announced we would be taking over the kitchen one lady commented on how she'd just love to see Mr Wonderful washing dishes someday.....he laughed and said she actually would probably be seeing that, she about fell over! HAHA I love those moments where Mr Wonderful breaks people's stereotypes!

Anyway on the day of this very potluck, we got word that a dear lady of our church had passed away that morning.:( We had been following her struggle thru Alzheimers and her husband's true example of in sickness and in health referenced in wedding vows.

The family has requested that there be a potluck after the service. I think this is always wonderful for the family and friends to remember their loved one and a chance to visit and mourn together. I have been making calls all day and trying to get a basic frame work of a potluck together (with the church members) and it has been going quite well. Then I had a dear lady (from our church) call to offer her services, anything I need, wash dishes, help set up, whatever I need that day. I am thinking how sweet that was? So I said I would be sure to let her know. 20 mins later she called to say that since it was a man planning the funeral we should be sure to get some flowers from the service (he might forget that part) and bring them down to the eating area (sounds great but I won't be at the funeral/graveside service since I will be getting everything ready, so how can I be sure that they actually get there?). Then she also had a great suggestion of doing a memory board with pics and special memories (I love these things) so after I hang up I started thinking. Wait I am going to be gone 2 days this week and 1/2 of another I have my hands full already, with making side dishes, cooking a ham, organizing things and setting up tables etc. So I think to myself "She did say whatever I need right?"

So I got on the phone and called her back a while later. I said it would be great if she could work on the memory board since she knew the people personally that she'd need to talk to in order to get pics and things. She laughed and was like oh I guess I think maybe she wanted to have the good ideas but not have to do it...but she did agree to do it and was looking forward to working with one of the family members. It all turned out OK so far, and I am really proud of myself for deligating, because it is easy to think you can get things done in a certain time and then feel bad if you can't.

I also felt like a memory board was a little out of the scope of the kitchen duties as well. I hope it works that they can get one made but at least I won't be stressing over it while we are gone. I really hope everything goes smoothly. This is my maiden voyage here and I am hoping I do everything the kitchen duty is supposed to do in a funeral situation. It is bound to be quite the week.

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