Thursday, February 7, 2008

Treasure stealin', money grubbin', Ornrey Brother...

Thought you might enjoy another Ornery Brother story. Now I decided ornery was the only word to describe my brother, but then I did not know how to spell it...I mean to me it sounded like onry, or awnry, or ownry...or well you get the point right? So I looked thru the dictionary on all the spellings I could think of and never came up with I had to actually go online butcher the spelling in a search like this "how to spell awnry" and finally found several people who seemed to think it is spelled "ornery"....I mean who would have guessed? Anyway now that we have that little dilema out of the way I can write my story.....there is just no other word to describe my brother at this age, so I had to have the right spelling.

Anyway, Ornery Brother, age about 12 at the time, thought it would be really fun to burry treasure/time capsules. Of course me at the age of 7 or 8 thought this also would be really fun. We gathered cards, we gathered special momentos, we gathered pictures, we wrote little stories to ourselves etc. Then I got my $. I put real paper money in I said I don't often have $ so it was a huge deal. I think it was at least $10 (probably some B-Day money).

So we each buried our seperate large pickle jars full of "treasure" and stood back and dusted our hands against our pant legs (sorry Mom). I said "That was fun, what?" He said "Now we wait a few years and then remind each other. Then we'll go dig them up and laugh about all the cool stuff we buried." "Oh that sounds like fun." I said.

I waited a whole 2 days before I decided I really needed my money for something (remember how I was born with no patience bone?) and it seemed such a waste to let it sit in a jar in the I secretly went to dig it up....I dug and dug until I finally found my jar.......I opened the jar and searched all around, money! "What the?" I cried, thinking some ground monster probably eats money....but how'd it get thru the glass? Well maybe it has magic powers right? Anyway I asked Ornery Brother about it and he acted shocked and concerned and even offered to help me riffle around in the jar to be sure. Nope not there......hmmmm. We shrug our shoulders and go about life........later I got to thinking "wait a minute!"....Ornery Brother is the only other one who knew I burried it there...."wait just a gosh darn minute!"......."Moooom, He stole my money!!!!!"

He was ornery like that.

Disclaimer: The above ornery character eventually turned out to be an upstanding, caring citizen, with a barely visible mean least now he has his own kids and wife to torture instead of me.


Anonymous said...

I, personally, confuse spell check all the time. I'll get back a suggested spelling that is nothing like the word I am trying to type.

I am talented that way.

The Summerfields said...

Thanx, glad to know I am not the only one! HAHA