Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ahhhh my very own what?

Well I now have my very own blog, I really feel like somebody, and I am pretty sure it is filling that last little part of me that felt incomplete......I'll let you know tomorrow. For now I want to kick back and look around my new surroundings see if there are any hidden treasures. I wish.

Ok kidding aside, this will be a fun journey to document. What's not to love about the journey of raising 4 kids, homeschooling them, and staying sane at the same time? I mean piece of cake right?

I will try to get into the habit of posting here instead of sending my poor friends waaaay too many emails when I get bored.:) Don't count your blessings yet friends.......I might just do both! HAHA

I am bored today because my husband is up on a mountain pass cleaning up a truck wreck right now. Which of course makes me wonder what on earth my husband is doing up there since obviously it is really slick and yucky weather (hence the bad truck wreck). Anyway a little info about my hubby, he works for my family's excavation company (think bulldozers and large earth moving machines...basically he gets to play with big boy tonka's all day, he loves his job). 


Anonymous said...

Woohoo - less emails to answer. Just kidding. Welcome back to bloggy land. :)

The Summerfields said...

Ya I figured it was time I got a life so now not only can I annoy you guys I can also annoy strangers that stumble upon this blog! It is really opening up mo world I tell ya. HAHA