Sunday, February 24, 2008

He Shared..

Tobers was nice enough to share his flu bug with the rest of the household. Yup 50% of us have it now. Spud Man and I came down with it late in the night. The scarey part is that Tobers is still recovering, he still has a cough and seems fairly weak although he is in good spirits and seems to be feeling better each day. His fevers are finally gone.

Looks like we will be having another slow week again. I just really hope the other 50% of us don't get it. Hey I can hope anyway.

I am NOT very happy about having to take time out to be sick. This headache alone is enough to criple me, not to mention all the body aches and chills etc! Enough with the pitty party! Time to go take a nap and get better.


Anonymous said...

Tag, your it! Check out a dash of sassitude to play. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh sure! I read this and my hypochondria kicks in and I start to not feel well. That is the last time I help you out! LOL!

Get better soon!

The Summerfields said...

I do really hope you don't get it! I was pretty upset just thinking about that! Plus not being able to see Quinn either! Boo Hoo. I am praying you don't get it. Pick up some Oscillo flu remedy and see if that can help you keep it at bay.