Saturday, March 15, 2008

Younger Years Cooking...

Is everyone enjoying our story so far? Just curious. I admit I am having fun but I also feel like it is such a personal thing that it is kinda hard to put out there too. Hopefully you guys are getting some good laughs out of the deal. I know it has me reminscing and loving the walk down memory lane. It has us carrying on more dialog from our past then we have in a while too. Mr Wonderful enjoys talking about most of those times too.

Today he told me for the first time ever that once before we were dating that he had eaten up at the house (the shop where the guys worked was not far from our house) and that I had made mac and cheese and my Dad had kept everyone working late that night and he felt bad sending them home so far from town so late without feeding them. Just so happened I had made a large batch of this Mac & Cheese and Mr Wonderful initially thought, "yuck I don't really like Mac & Cheese but gosh I hate to turn them down" meanwhile as I am hearing this story I was pretty sure it was not about the food, he probably wanted to see me even though at the time he was still playing Mr Uninterested. Don't you agree?

Anyway he did come with a couple other workers for this late dinner and he said it actually was the best Mac and Cheese he'd had because it was homemade. He said that was when he figured out I was a good cook, I was probably 15 at the time. Interesting huh?

Problem is I have no recollection of this said dinner or making Mac and Cheese. Although I did cook ALOT during that time in my life because my Mom was going thru chemo and I did a lot of those sort of things for a long time. I drove for her most days because the chemo affected her eyesight and energy. Anyway I wish I could remember this dinner.

He told me this story with great detail. Why can't I remember it?

Speaking of my early years cooking, wanna hear something truely embarassing? My brother had just gotten married and they had stopped by to visit so I had to quickly get something in the oven for dinner for everyone. Our family had this great meatloaf recipe with shredded potatoes, shredded carrots, some egg to hold it together with some seasonings and of course the burger, then on top a yummy sweet ketchup sauce. So I did have all the ingredients for it. I started shredding those potatoes and carrots, I added everything, I pressed it into the pan, I smeared on the yummy topping and got it baking. Ahhh now I could relax and enjoy the visiting and evening.

Well soon it was time for serving, we are all seated around the table ready to dig in, we have our side salads, we have our meatloaf, and we all start digging in. We are all dished up and finished praying when my SIL says to me...."um did you forget something?" I am like "What?" I had yet to taste my meatloaf you see. Turns out I forgot to add the burger to the "meat" loaf! How embarassing, it was bad too, it was inedible, it was a crying shame all the work and time waiting for dinner and no meat? Ya I am not sure I will ever live down the night I made meatloaf and forgot the meat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The reason God gave males and females different remembering skills is so that at least one of you can remember an event. I remember people, Brett remembers where we've been.
Someone will ask if we know where such and such is and I'll look at Brett and he'll say "yes, we've been there." I'll just shrug and search my non existent memory banks for any kind of recollection of it.

Cooking failures are the most funny things- usually long after they happened.