Friday, April 26, 2013

Turkey Hatching Eggs...

One bright yellow sticker on a rather ordinary box elicits excitement and feelings of giddiness all through the house.

"Fragile Hatching Eggs"

This is the box we've been waiting for.  It's the 24 turkey hatching eggs we ordered a few weeks ago.

The box is open!  The first layer is dense foam, the 2nd layer is 13 eggs, the 3rd layer is foam with deep holes, the 4th layer is another layer of dense foam, then 13 more eggs in holey foam, and more dense foam on the bottom.  The packaging was impressive but we still had 2 broken eggs in the package.  We ordered 24, they sent 26 so we still ended up with the amount we ordered.

They sent some hatching instructions, which is helpful.

They are large and speckled and a little bumpy too.   

Whippersnapper is excited because this is his project.  He gets to help with the incubation process by turning eggs 3x daily for 28 days.  He gets to make sure the water reservoirs are full each day for proper humidity in the incubator and he gets to help make sure the temperature stays just right all the time!

Here they are settled into the incubator.  Warm, toasty, and moist.

27 more days until we hopefully have some hatching action. 

You might remember the surprise order of turkeys we got several weeks early a few weeks ago and how all but one died after much TLC.  Butterball the turkey is doing well and we are pretty taken with him.  He is pretty cute, and personable too.  He's been moved from inside the house to the brooder outside with the 2nd batch of broiler chicks.  He is the only one who comes to see what is going on instead of spooking to the back of the brooder when we open the door to feed them.  He comes over to say hello and tilts his head to the side to see what we are up to.  He seems to be fitting in alright.  I think he really wants some company of his own kind though.  He can be their fearless leader, big brother, and protector.  Butterball has a big role to fill around here in just a few weeks when these hatch.  Hope he is up for the challenge!

Can you find Butterball?

"Here I am!"

He is feathering out nicely, he is also 2X the size of the broiler chicks.

Way to grow Butterball, you are quite enjoyable to have around.  Hold on buddy, your new brothers and sisters are on their way in 27 days!

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