Monday, April 22, 2013

A Stitch in Time...

Today, we had a milestone, we had a family here to tour our meat chicken operation.  The milestone comes in that it was our first tour to a customer who wasn't already family or friends.  For some reason it felt note worthy this was our first official tour to show someone how their food is being raised here.  So today, while I was giving this tour I got a surprise!  Right in the middle of the tour, Whippersnapper came running out of the house with his face mostly covered in toilet paper and he was bleeding and crying hysterically.  Every mother's nightmare right there.

I lifted the tissue to see he was going to need some urgent care, and that I couldn't deal with it at home.  I felt so bad, the family that came for the tour had driven about 45 mins to get here.  So I put Sunshine in charge of the tour, and got Whippersnapper off to town for medical attention.

As I drove to town, I probed for more information on what he was doing, how he hit his head etc.  What I gathered, between sobs, was he and Tobers were playing around like they were bucking bulls and rough-housing and he hit his forehead on the sofa arm.  The sofa arm is pretty padded, but there are boards deep in there that do hurt if you hit it.  Anyway, he hit so hard it didn't so much cut it as it sorta tore it.

When we got him to urgent care they took him right in and accessed him and decided he needed a few stitches.  He did so AMAZING through the whole thing, he was tough, stayed completely still, and he was cooperative the whole time.  I am such a proud mama right now!  Would you believe he is our first child to have to have stitches?

 If you are squeamish you might not want to scroll down.

We had a field trip in the early afternoon and we were even able to make it just in time.  We got to learn about how cattle guards are made.  We enjoyed the field trip a lot, it was neat to see how useful things are fabricated.  Cattle guards are cool.  In case you don't know what a cattle guard is, it is a concrete based structure with a metal grate on top to let cars drive over it (they are embedded in the roadways) to discourage cows from crossing them.  They function like a fence you can drive right over, the cows are leery of them and won't cross, but the cars travel over them fine.  Here is a photo of one in case you explanation has left you baffled.

Photo Credit:

Overall, it was a good day, we started out in great moods today and got lots done and everything felt like it was moving right along.  This injury was only a minor detour from the day's plan and we were back home within about an hour's time.  

When we got home, I got a text from the family who came for the tour, and she said the kids did a great job finishing the tour.  Whew, glad all turned out OK in the end, and that the injury was nothing too major, for that we are very blessed!  God is so good to us.


1 comment:

Mrs. G said...

WOW! Poor kid! I am so glad everything turned out ok though and a scar will only make him look tougher to his future wife and will be a great conversational starter until then!