Friday, April 5, 2013

From a 12 Year Old's Perspective...

The other day I was looking on my hard drive for some pictures, I came across a file folder that I had labeled for Spud Man's photos.  I decided to see if he had some good pictures in his file.  I found it interesting to see things from his perspective.  It was actually a little insight into boy-ness that I don't always get to see.  

Sometimes the pictures seemed this.  

As a girl, I'd have taken a picture of the horse not so much the saddle.  To tell you the truth this picture reminded me how much this is my favorite saddle!  It is so comfortable, it also happens to be my mom's saddle which I know I spent many an hour riding both in front of her when really small, and behind her when I got big enough to hold on to those saddle strings well.  As I got older, it was the saddle I chose to ride for training, even though I had a beautiful silver show saddle to ride if I wanted to.  This picture captured memories that evoke emotion for me.  I'd have never thought to take this picture but I am glad he did.

A boy and his hats, what can I say.  He really isn't picky too much about his hats, he seems honored to wear anyone's hat that gives him one.  Of course if it is associated with equipment or a construction company he is golden.

I thought this was interesting, I forget how much of a boys life is tied up into work.  How work makes a man feel important, needed, and useful.  The fact that he took pictures of his Dad's work truck door is funny to me but to a boy this is something he wanted to capture.

He also took a picture of his Grandpa's company logo.  His dad may no longer work for his grandpa but that doesn't change that he is proud to have a grandpa who owns a construction company.;)

This cracks me up, he took a picture of our friends brush guard/bumper (although around here we call them deer guards).  Anyway it IS a nice looking bumper.  These sort of things are important to a boy!

He took a picture of one of his Great Uncle Terry's bulls.  Boys are impressed by this stuff you know.;)

Then there is the goofy stuff, the talks his brothers into doing (ok maybe it wasn't his idea).

He enjoys the hunter gatherer aspects of his life too!  Morel mushrooms yum!

What folder of pictures would not be complete without a picture of a scab!?  

Can you see the grouse nest with eggs in it?  He captures such unique things.

Then there are the really "unique" things like this bear scat.  Again, important to a boy to capture this in full detail.  Thankfully he didn't have the macro function figured out at this point in time huh?

I have to admit this next picture melted my heart just a little!  This it the quilt he and I worked on for a long time.  It got packed up a few times when we got busy but we kept plodding away at it when we could.  It is made of recycled denim from jeans and various outdoorsy cotton fabrics.  That he took the time to take a picture of it warms my heart.

A boy must have food and lots of it!  He takes pictures as he BBQes.  It does look good doesn't it.  Don't ask what kind or meat that is, you probably don't want to know.

This is what Whippersnapper looks like when he finishes eating above meal.

Again family legacy seems to be showing up.  This is the sign that used to be on the barn after my Grandpa Red built it.  The ranch was established I believe in 1943.  Whippersnapper makes for a willing photo subject.

I hope you enjoyed the sneak peak into a 12 year old boys world as much as I did!

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