Thursday, April 3, 2008

Kicking Some Germy Butt!

We cleaned! We got so sick of being sick so we just decided to suck it up and we went crazy cleaning this entire house! We scrubbed floors, we scrubbed walls, we washed windows, we sanitized doorknobs and dresser knobs, phones, toilets, sinks, light switches, we stripped bedding and washed in hot, we vacuumed the floors 4 times, we cleaned out the entire frig taking every shelf out and every drawer was cleaned! We also scrubbed every part of our kitchen chairs and table. We worked so hard yesterday and I can only hope this place stays clean for more than 10 mins and that we start to get better!

The best part? Everyone worked so well together, we were like a well oiled machine! We had good tunes on the radio and everyone did their part without struggle and then we'd rest for a few mins and talk about what to do next then get at it! It was a rare day around here since I never get that serious of an urge to clean!

Here is a pic of the boys having a great time in our stripped out frig! BTW I told the kids to go get their grubbiest clothes on because we were cleaning and going to get dirty!! Ignore all fashion sense in these pics or lack of clothing! Oh yes and also ignore the glisten of a snotty nose! It is a permanent state lately! Just tellin' it like it is, honest!

He Started It!

He Thought That Looked Like Fun Too!

Here They Are Movin' to the Music!!

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