Monday, April 21, 2008


I have been formulating a wish list on for our homeschool needs. I was not aware of how dangerous and extremely fun a wish list could be! I could have went on for hours adding things. Sensibility took over and I had to narrow it down to what we needed for our summer and early fall materials.

We paid bills last weekend and I requested we spend $150 for school materials....... Mr Wonderful said "Request granted.".....Whoo Hoo! I was so excited I felt like a little kid that was able to pick out candy at the store or something. I had been trying to be patient for a large enough paycheck that we could afford it, I had been setting aside a little here and there and finally it was time!

Anyway I placed my $150 order earning myself free shipping and handling. I am a sucker for free shipping! We got some fun stuff here is a list of what we got:

Primary Language Lessons (Language Arts for Spud Man)

Exploring Creation with Botany (Sunshine's science)

Mavis Beacon Typing for Kids program

Prima Latina DVD's (for Sunshine's Latin, I already have the books and love them!)

Horse Scenes to Color and Paint and Country Scenes to Color and Paint (we like to use these as a master coloring books that we make copies out of all year)

Prismacolor Watercolor Pencils (I love Prismacolor colored pencils and find they are worth the price, we have never tried the watercolor kind though and we can't wait! These will come in handy for art as well as nature studies.)

Kumon Workbooks: Let's Cut, Let's Fold, Numbers 1-30, Uppercase Letters, Telling Time. (For Tobers)

Several books like Burgess Bird Book, Aesop's Fables, and Just So Stories.

Now the order is placed and we wait......ah yes that pesky thing called patience. I do believe I will take pics as we dive into the box when it gets here. Nothing like the rumble of the UPS truck coming down our street and the giddiness I feel when I realize he has stopped at our house, unless of course I have to drag everyone down to the post office and lug it home myself.....that isn't quite as fun but still exciting all the same! I love packages unless of course they are weird packages from some sicko who stole my identity a few years ago, I had quite the shock from the UPS man one day. That is a whole other story, maybe I will tell it someday.

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