Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Second Round of Pigs...

We got 4 more pigs last week!  They are pretty cute and oh so curious.  Spud Man is pretty excited to have a new batch to watch grow.  Our first batch are all sold (we are keeping one for our own meat supply), and they will be slaughtered tomorrow.

This new batch will get to enjoy all the crops we planted for them in one section of the garden, as well as any surplus we have from the rest of the garden too.  We can't wait to see how they do!  The largest crop we planted was rape seed/canola.  Then we also planted mangle beets, carrots, turnips, wheat grass and of course other garden crops in surplus to allow for sharing with the pigs and chickens.

Their names are Oreo (because it is black and white), Swiss (because it has circle dots all over like Swiss Cheese), Ring (as in onion ring), Nacho (no idea where that name came from).  They all have to have food names....because that is what they will

So we are off on another phase of the project.  We can't wait to try the first batch of bacon in a month or so.

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