Monday, June 3, 2013

Indoor Plants...

 I find it amazing how much something small like a houseplant can do to make a home feel just a little more pulled together.  Actually I can't really put my finger on what a plant does for a room.  All I know is, it makes me smile.  Lately, while browsing Pinterest I have been noticing several of creative uses for succulent plants of all kinds.  I have a fondness for them because they require so little in the way of water.

Here is a unique one that features, light green, bright green and pink edges.

Another favorite that almost doesn't look real!  I love the bright green color of this plant.

I needed something that would trail over the edge a little to fill the pot some.  Creeping Thyme filled the void for us.

I had a few various plants like a variegated ficus, and a darker leaf plant and a few other houseplant selections.  I tried to choose plants that would compliment the furniture colors too.  I have always enjoyed large pots with several heights, textures, and colors to create a grouping of neat plants.

I spent all day last Friday cleaning and rearranging the main rooms of the house.  I got some alone time to focus on some organizing and cleaning. I moved the furniture around and decided the wall above the TV armoire looked rather blank.  I wanted something rustic to fill the area.  Since there wasn't anything in the decorating budget I needed to get creative. I looked around the house, but nothing really fit the space or look I had in mind.  Then, I remembered we have a really neat old iron bed frame we use as a trellis in the garden.  We've had it for years, and I like repurposing thing and we've used it in various ways over the years in our yard.  

I decided to give it a try to see if it would fill the empty space well.  I pulled it up out of the ground, hosed it off, and brought it inside and carefully lifted it on top the armoire.  I stood back and I was pleased with how it looked.  Granted, I would have liked it to be narrower than the armoire but on this limited budget perfect might not be a reality! lol  So I started adding a few things to fill the spaces a little.  I was wavering back and forth on how much I liked it set up this way, but when the kids got home and ooohed and awed over it and Mr. Wonderful mentioned he liked it, I decided it will stay for a while.  Everyone seems to be enjoying it so far.  You can see it in the next 2 pictures.  I couldn't get the flash to light it up real well but you get an idea of what it looks like.

By the way, I found this armoire on Facebook Classifieds for our area.  Turns out it was a fellow homeschooling family and they gave me $20 off and sold it to me for only $80!  It is a beautiful quality peice with a lot of solid wood in it.  I originally wanted to put all the school stuff in it, then I realized it wasn't big enough to fit everything in it.  It works much better to hold the TV and movies and such, and it looks nice in the living area too.  So glad I found this, and what a blessing it all worked out as it did!

 So that's my idea to bring a little rustic charm to our living room. The bed frame is probably pleased to once again be inside a home rather than weathered and abused outside. lol  

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