Monday, May 27, 2013

Infuriating Underground Animals...

I need some kind of rodent squad to come and rid the place of all things mole, gopher, and mouse!  

I grumble every time I run across something like this...

...and especially this.

Then, I remember I have a few secret weapons.  First line of defense is our fierce hunter, Betsy the cat.

There is just one problem with fierce hunter cat....she is a hunter, she doesn't usually kill them.  She plays with them until they are severely stressed, and exhausted.

Sure they are worse for wear when she's done, but they are not usually dead.  So normally what happens is these next two characters come on the scene and finish the job (or steal her potential dinner, not sure what you'd really call it.)   They look harmless, but they are rodent killing machines I tell ya.

I think they even give us a little doggy smile when they kill one for us!  Unfortunately, they don't always notice when the cat has done her job of wearing them out so... comes my other secret weapon.  My fearless rodent killing daughter.  See how fast she moves?  The camera can't even catch the speed in which she disposes of them for me.   By this time, after the cat has had her fun, it is the least we can do to put it out of it's misery after the cat has a hold of it.

Sunshine has to be the most level headed 14 year old girl I know of, not much phases this girl.  I was busy looking around for something to hit it with, and she just stepped over, stomped on it nonchalantly like she does this 10 times a day, no biggie.  Meanwhile, I thought something along the lines of "Der, why didn't I think of that?"  I blame my sluggish response and reasoning on the fact that after 4 pregnancies, I have lost some of the brain cells I once had at 14 years old.  That is my story and I am sticking to it.

We really need to learn to set gopher traps, because so far the gophers are most likely winning.  I think they might be reproducing faster than we are killing them. Oh, and we really need to catch the mole that keeps tunneling all around the garden every day too!

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