Monday, May 6, 2013

1 Chicken = Many Meals...

In an effort to have a good balance between frugal and healthful, I've been thinking about ways to stretch 1 chicken into many meals.  Since we've dove in head first into producing our own chickens for both our own food supply and for customers as well, we want to round up some useful resources.

Admittedly with 4 kids when we roast 1 chicken it is picked clean in one meal.  However, if I cook up the whole bird and use the meat in various meals through the week it will go much farther.  So this is what I have set out to do, find ideas and recipes to help stretch the chicken out some and enjoy the health benefits of tasty pasture raised chickens.  I thought some of our customers might like the same ideas.

So here are a few links to some resources I found for just this sort of thing.  I'd probably see myself making only a couple meals from each of these posts, every family likes different types of meals so I would likely combine a few different posts to come up with our own style or plan.  This is just for some brainstorming and to help get some ideas flowing.  Go through your favorite family recipes with these ideas in mind and come up with your own list of meals to make from 1 chicken.

This post claims to stretch 1 chicken into something like 22 meals. 

I chicken into 5 meals.  ( I could see doing all these meals.)

Some more tasty ideas.

Another great post by one of my favorite money saving bloggers!

I will add more posts as I find them.

Let me know if you try any recipes and how you liked them.  If you have your own to add I'd love to see them in the comments section!

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