Monday, December 15, 2008

Tree Hunting....

We got our tree!! It was fun but snowy, windy, and ccccold! our scouting trip last weekend came in really handy, we already knew where the nice trees where. I am really glad we had one all picked out because the weather wasn't going to cooperate for our planned bonfire and some fun time in the snow. It was more of a bail out, cut it down, and race back to the pick-up before your snot froze in your nose type experience!Here is the tree we chose, a nice pokey spruce to keep Whippersnapper out of the tree. Brilliant thinking on our part.....except for the part where we are the ones that have to decorate it. Hmmm Note to self: Spruce trees, not such a wonderful idea after all.
The mighty tree hunter himself, Mr Wonderful.
Maggie loves running around in the snow!!
Callie wondering where Mr Wonderful was off to.

To some this could be considered overkill, when a simple hand saw would do. Mr Wonderful loves power tools. Oh and some kids who shall remain nameless went and lost our good hand saw while camping last summer so we didn't have a choice.
On our way back home decided to sing carols. It would help if at least one of us could remember all the words. We got to laughing so hard it was pretty fun. The 12 Days of Christmas had to be the funniest one to try to remember. We had it pretty well messed up by the end, Mr Wonderful kept trying to add strange things into every place we couldn't remember what went with what day.
This is my favorite part. I make several minute adjustments (I mean, I make Mr Wonderful make several minute adjustments, I stand back and give orders) like say turning the tree at least 360 degrees a minimum of 3 times to see which side looks best. Oh and then all the fine tuning adjustments for vertical up and down. So he spends alot of time on the floor making adjustments to the tree stand. It is just my favorite part to see how far I can push it before he starts grumbling about being under a poeky tree that is dripping melting snow. Hee Hee I wonder when he will catch on I am just messing with him? Meanwhile the kids are waiting anxiously for the tree to be ready to decorate.
The tree was a bit too tall so we needed to cut it off to make room for the angel on top.

Actually I had a great idea. After we realized just how pokey a spruce tree really was I devised a plan. We'd mount the tree on the kids' Sit and Spin toy and make it into a Lazy Susan type deal. Then we'd stand back with lights in hand and just twirl the tree and wind the lights right on without touching it. Then, for the ornaments, we'd just stand back and throw them at the tree and where ever they landed and hung was where they'd go. With as great of an idea as that was we just decided to put on our leather gloves and something long sleeve and we were spared too many injuries.

Stay tuned for a tour of special ornaments on the tree......

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