Wednesday, December 10, 2008


When I got my Christmas decorations out this year I was ever so thankful I had the forethought to buy new garlands last year. In fact I was reminded that 95% of our decor is all hand-me-downs from when we got married 11+ years ago.....from people whom had probably had these hand-me-downs for a great many years. At what point do you start to upgrade? For example.....take these garlands.... You see we have tried fluffing, rearranging, and doubling up these garlands for years. For the most part they worked great....until we went to the store and saw all the glorious fluffy garlands....then we got garland envy and bought some 50% off. Boy, am I glad we did. Aren't they purdy?

Then the school had a fundraiser selling fresh greenery. Oh my, then the nice new fluffy garlands started to get garland envy and we have a garland uproar. So to keep the peace we decided the fresh one would fair best outside. Also the old ratty garlands had to go outside because they kept fighting with the new was rough around here for a few mins till we got everyone separated and calmed down with their noses to the wall.

Then there is the poinsettia....I just love the color and happiness of a poinsettia, sadly I have never had a fresh one. I will just have to imagine what that might feel like, since fakes ones make me this happy...I probably couldn't bear that much happiness anyway. Sadly, I had to actually look up how to spell poinsettia.Anyway I have been slowly unpacking the holiday decor boxes. Gradually making progress on the transformation around here. Can't wait to get the tree and decorate that, maybe that will be another blog post.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Garland envy- oh the shame of it.
The poinsettia shot is beautiful.