Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snuggle Buddies...

Maggie our Golden Retriever loves her teddy bear. She snuggles with this teddy bear, she takes it out in her mouth when she needs to go potty...she shows everyone at the door her teddy bear. She loves it......there is only oe problem with Mr. Teddy Bear. He is dirty....filthy really! Since he gets "loved" so much, he gets taken out in the mud, throw into the air and caught, slobbered on, laid on, and chewed on now and then. It reminds me of a toddler when you pry their favorite blankie from them long enough to wash it and they stand in front of the washing machine crying like you are going to ruin all the allure of their favorite blankie by simply washing it! We are trying to find the right opportunity to wash this beast of a bear. One of these days she will put it down long enough for us to wash it. I wonder what she'll do?
I should note, these pics were taken when the bear was relatively are pics of it not so new.:(

Isn't it sad?

"Help me!"

Here is what she looks like when someone has her bear.

Here is what she looks like when she gets it back...."Step away from the bear!"

Ok I am kidding, she is really laid back and while she loves her bear, she'd really rather just have some pets while she gazes into your eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is a beautiful dog. Have you had to wash the bear since the flea invasion?