Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mushrooming 2008 Trip #1....

We love to go mushrooming and we try to go at least 2-3 times in the spring. This is our first trip as a family this year and we had such a great time....I was able to enjoy some photography and the kids got to play in puddles and hike around and find all kinds of interesting things. The mushrooms were few and far between but we managed to fine one small skillet full to fry up when we got home.
This is typical when we go hiking......"Mom, are you coming?" LOL Which isn't what was really going on....more like this...."Kids turn around......smile!" "Ok that didn't turn out let's do it again.......smile....!" "Ok ONE MORE TIME, I'll get it this time.......SMILE!!!!" "Got it! Thanx Guys!"

Then they must concentrate to not "accidentally" get wet in the puddles.....what is it with boys and mud puddles? We let them play in a few towards the end of the hike when we knew we were close to the rig but we wanted their feet dry for the majority of the hike.....it was tough but they managed to stay out of them until we said it was ok.

I loved this old broken down log cabin......it was right on the edge of a meadow and unfortunately all behind it had been heavily logged so it kinda ruined the surroundings but the new little seedling trees have been replanted so maybe someday soon there will be more beautiful trees surrounding this old cabin ruins.

Here is what we were in search of.....few and far in between....

Here is what we were NOT in search of...but I had to take a pic of this one.....weird huh? Mr Wonderful told me the real name but I have long since forgotten it...looks like a burnt shroom to me.

"Hey guys! Look at ME!!!!"........Alarm bells go off in my Mommy radar....."Spud Man?" Spud Man yells from a far off place "Look at me way up here guys!"..........Mommy terror surfaces and I yell "Spud Man, GET DOWN here!! What are you doing clear up there?" This is his favorite thing to get me all worked up....he climbs to the top of a tree and then sways it around saying "Hey Mom this is what a tree does in the wind huh?" Did I mention I think I am getting grey hair? Notice the child leaning way out from the top of the tree!!!!!!

Here he is on his way down closer to the ground...once I knew he might survive the fall I could then snap a calmer picture....not as shaky as the first.

Isn't this scenic picture great? I have always loved this view. Now wouldn't that be neat to wake up to every morning?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun!

My boy is always looking for trees to climb too. I'd have a heart attack with him getting that high too!