Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Organization is a tough one for me. I try, I really do, but in a few days it is all undone and I get discouraged. I am not a naturally organized person, I am more along the lines of creative and free spirit flying by the seat of my pants. The problem with that is that the seat of my pants doesn't seem to fly me to the routines I need to be doing. It just doesn't automatically happen without me making a list or something to go by.

These past 2 weeks I have been concentrating on building a framework of a routine. Why the sudden importance on a routine? Well, I was starting to feel really overwhelmed and not sure about the task of homeschooling another year. In fact I considered sending them to public school this year. I just felt like I was falling thru on so many things even though school itself went really well last year. I was not doing as well the the overall balance of things that are important to me that get done, like making good meals for dinner, or keeping the house presentable, or my own health and weightloss etc. There didn't seem to be enough to go around for everything and everyone that needed something.

So two weeks ago I realized WOW it is so much easier to stay more ontop of things that it is to let them pile up like laundry, dishes, and other cleaning. I have some great routines in place as well as some handy check off sheets. They are helping me a great deal and I can already start to feel many of the things becoming automatic.

I think it boiled down to priorities. It really is important to me that I homeschool the kids. I can see the difference in them. The problem with the cenario up till now is that school was first for me, once school was done I would kinda relax and feel like I did my deed for the day and I'd not be as connected with the kids for the rest of the day. I had to change my focus onto being a more connected Mom all day and not so much energy going into only the schooling part. Also keeping the house neater frees up my energies to be doing fun things, and making nice dinners, and my mind is clearer when DH gets home.

Also I am taking more deliberate time for devotions and prayer time. It seems to be helping me to focus on how I want Jesus to be the center of my day and how I can learn to be more focused on his plan for this family.

This week is Vacation Bible School for the 3 older kids. They are really enjoying it and I am enjoying the quiet time in the mornings with just Whippersnapper. I am getting a lot of cleaning and dejunking done around here too.

Anyway I have been learning alot from my fellow homeschooling Mom's about organization, routines, and smart tips for managing the chaos that seems to come with homeschooling.

We are tentatively starting school next Monday! The kids are excited, well Sunshine and Tobers are anyway. Spud Man hopefully will get there. I think he will once he sees how different this year will be compared to last year. Things will be alot more relaxed and the goal is to teach the love of learning and the ability to find where everyone can learn what they would like to learn. As well as the more traditional schooling. I have to keep in mind I can teach all day long but if the kids have no connection or interest with what I am teaching it is a waste of my time, it is like a gallon of teaching for an ounce of learning. So I have to be careful that I am not going thru the motions and they still aren't reaping the benefits of my time. It is a balancing system that can be tricky some days.

So here is to a more organized school year!! Sunshine in 5th grade, Spud Man starts 1st grade, Tobers is doing preschool and Whippersnapper is learning what toddlers learn best....everything new and exicting in his world!

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