Monday, May 19, 2008

New Vacuum!

My new vacuum is finally here!!! Ahhhh it feels like a Cadillac after my other one!!! The self propel is really nice but not as powerful as I figured it would be ( I have never had a self-propelled one), which is probably good otherwise it would run over my toes! I LOVE that dirt sensor light, it really encourages me to take my time and wait until it is more clean before moving on. The carpet is so light and fluffy underfoot now.

So that was the excitement for the day.....the rumble of the UPS truck coming up the street and he delivered our long awaited vacuum then he asked me if he could please borrow our hose (it was running in the front yard) to cool down some. It is really hot lately, unusually warm this past few days, we are all trying to adjust. So after he sprayed the hose in the air and let it rain back down on himself he was back on the road (hopefully a little cooler) and we were excitedly opening our package. There is something about the thrill of a new machine......albeit it means work, like you know I actually have to vacuum!!! No more excuses......I might kinda miss my old excuses some days.

We spent part of the early afternoon cleaning up the living room from the piles and piles of folded clothes we'd been working on, so that I would not be embarrassed to have someone stop by unexpectedly...or expected like the UPS man, since those big packages they tend to carry all the way into the house for you. Which is so nice of them by the way. So the dilemma of Mt Washmore is better but Mt Fold Me was huge! Now they are both manageable and we should have them scaled in no time....I hope...unless that mysterious multiplying thing happens overnight....where you go to bed with just a few loads left in the pile and suddenly in the morning there are 10 isn't possible that each of the 6 people in the family wear THAT many clothes in one day is it?

Why is it when the A/C is on everyone leaves the door open? It is driving me nuts! It is like they sense there is $ to be wasted and they seek to fulfill their mission in life.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

How exciting. Your floor will be so clean the next few days while you vacuum and vacuum with excitement!