Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Locks of Love...

Sunshine has been growing her hair out for several years to be able to donate to Locks of Love. We trimmed the ends recently but we still had enough to cut the 10" required for donations. Before we did anything major I had to take pictures of her beautiful hair that I have spent hours in my life braiding and messing with. I love her hair, silky, long and naturally highlighted from hours of childhood fun in the sun. I wish I still had those natural highlights like I did as a child.

Then it was time for that final and fateful ponytail.....deep breath for both of us.

It was really hard to cut thru but I got it all cut off. So it was done but oh crap, then I realized she needs a professional haircut, I don't think I can even this up and still have her look like a girl! I can cut hair to some degree but her hair is fairly thick and everytime I tried to even up the ends it looked so choppy so I quit while I was ahead and made a quick call to the local salon and she asked me if I could be there in 10 mins.....uh 10 mins.... sure. So I woke up Whippersnapper from his nap, made the boys change their clothes because they were knee deep in the dirt pile in the yard. I threw on some foundation and mascara myself and we were off and running.

The lady did a nice job evening things up and Sunshine loves it! So do I, it is so flippy and cute. I think this will be perfect for summer and also much easier for her to care for. Not to mention she is really excited about new hair clippies, headbands, and barretts too. I can still do some short little braids in the top of her hair and it will be nice to keep it out of her face some. She wants to grow out most of her bangs and leave a few whispy bangs so we'll have to keep her longer bangs swept to the side in a barrett or something.

We wanted to share this special journey with you. Hope you enjoyed being along for the ride!


Lindsey said...

It is beautiful. Tell her that I really like it. I am not used to seeing her without her glasses, it threw me for a loop. She is so pretty. And what a sweet and selfless thing to do- sending it to locks of love.

Anonymous said...

She looks so pretty! That was a wonderful thing to do (sending her hair to Locks of Love). I'm sure she's going to have lots of fun with hair accessories now. :)

Anonymous said...

It looks great!
I tried cutting hair the ponytail way because I had read on the internet that it would work. NOT! So T's hair ended up shorter than I had intended one time. Oops. Still looked cute on her.